---------------------------------------- 08/92 ........................................ You can keep your appointments here. 8/14 Conquer Universe 8/15 Recover from yesterday 8/20 Etc. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 09/92 ........................................ ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 10/92 ........................................ ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Thanks! ........................................ Thanks for trying WinLite! Here are a few Reminders: UPDATE: copies from hard disk to floppy INSTALL: copies from floppy to hard disk WINLIT?: creates an initial floppy Avoid EMM! HIMEM.SYS required! 1 MB RAM! 286 or better! To add anything, first delete something as large or larger! ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- WinLite ........................................ New Salem Research Fred K. Lenherr West Main Street New Salem MA 01355 Creator of WinLite 1.0 and 2.0 - 8/92 Revised versions 1.1 and 2.1 - 8/92 Please Register so we can bring you more original software! ----------------------------------------